
今天上歌劇的時 ,我照舊慣例的躺在教室的地板上! (因為那地板 ,有種莫明的舒服!! 躺下去整個人都放鬆了)

同學們在旁邊鬧著我完 ,有人說要在我肚子上跳!

我說 "等一下彈太高打到天花板我不負責唷!" 大家哈哈大笑!

我依舊在地上成大字型 ,結果有一位同學大喊說 "Hsiao-Chien is like a snow angel !!!"

於是我開始一頭霧水!! 什麼鬼ANGEL啊.....

大家七嘴八舌的說 ,"oh...she probably doesn't know it!! She is from Florida!" ( 喔...他可能不知道那是什麼! 她是從佛羅里達州來的!)

謝謝我親愛的 "弗朗克"同學 ,我真的不知是什麼呢!





Yes....this is snow angel!! 就是在剛下大雪地上積有六吋高的雪的時候!

把自己包暖 ,然後躺在地方大字的揮動!

就會有如天使翅膀 ,人的型狀出現! 那就是 snow angel!!!

大家一知道我沒有玩過 ,他們就說積雪時他們要帶我去玩!

全班要陪我一起去!! 我的天啊.... 這是一群多麼可愛又熱心的同學!

好期待唷!!! 我還在網上看說到底要怎樣make snow angel!!


Step 1 : Bundle all participants up in warm clothing, including hats and gloves.
Step 2 : Find an area of snow that is clean and has not been walked through.
Step 3: Line up next to each other or spread out around the area.
Step 4: Stand far enough apart so that when you spread your arms you can't touch the person next to you.
Step 5: Fall gently into the snow onto your back.
Step 6: Keep your entire body flat in the snow.
Step 7: Brush your arms between your head and waist in a sweeping motion.
Step 8: Move your legs apart as far as they will go and then together.
Step 9: Repeat these motions (it's like doing a jumping jack while lying on your back) until you have made indentations in the snow.
Step 10: Have someone stand at your feet and pull on your arms to help you up.
Step 11: Get up without stepping on your snow angel or making a handprint in the middle of it.

 Go...Have Fun!!!


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